
There is no point in reading this page without reading the tutorial first, please read the tutorial first!!!!

SteamVR Access Steps

  1. For the first use, after opening the software, please be sure to restart SteamVR. If the green indicator light in the upper left corner of the VR panel is on, the VR connection is successful. If you cannot connect, please see here
  2. Wear at least 8 points, then click on motion calibration. During the calibration Apose, the headset must be worn correctly [especially when a rapid beeping sound occurs]. For specific calibration process, please refer here

    Thighs, calves, waist, and chest must be worn. If the soles are not worn, only follow mode can be used!

  3. After normal calibration, please go to the SteamVR default interface to check the trackers. Be sure to turn off SteamVR Home, otherwise, you cannot check the trackers!

    It is recommended to switch to the SteamVR default interface first to check if the tracker positions meet expectations whenever any issue arises. Other software like VRC may have IK involvement and many configurations, which are not the original tracker positions.

    • How to turn off SteamVR Home and change to a white background, please see here
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  4. Wear the headset to check if the tracker positions meet expectations

    You can enable the diagnostic function here, copying a set of trackers for easier viewing

  5. If you encounter errors or the trackers disappear, you can restart. It is recommended to restart both the rebocap client and SteamVR.

    It is also highly recommended to provide feedback on the forum! It could be a SteamVR issue or a rebocap issue. If it is a rebocap issue, we will try to find and fix it!

  6. If the VR calibration height difference is too large, please see here

Below is an example of SteamVR access. Severe head node vibration is caused by headset positioning output data jitter!

What to do if the tracker is tilted

If the character in the 3D preview is normal, but the tracker is tilted relative to itself, it is likely due to the following reasons:

  • The safety area of the all-in-one machine is not turned off, and the person is near or outside the safety boundary

    More than 90% of users' troubles come from this point

  • Frequent movements cause shifts. In principle, it will automatically correct itself. Stand still for 1-2 seconds.

    [danger]Foot strap

    If using foot straps, it is very easy to shift. For details, please see here

  • Using ovr advanced setting to modify the yaw angle, it is recommended to reset it to 0
  • Space coordinate conversion cannot be read, please see here

If the 3D preview is tilted, please diagnose as follows:

  • It is likely due to magnetic deviation or a poor magnetic field environment. If it is the first use or an occasional issue later, it is recommended to perform magnetic field calibration first. For specific calibration methods, see here
  • Exclude the possibility of the strap being tilted, or individual trackers running out of battery or shutting down unexpectedly
  • If it is cross-legged or other leg issues, please carefully read the strap section and motion calibration section in the tutorial.
  • If it still cannot be resolved, please exclude magnetic interference. It is strongly recommended to read this article completely.

VR 无法连接

VR drivers will be installed silently and automatically into the steamvr directory. If you notice that the icon in the upper left corner of the VR panel does not turn green, you can follow these steps to troubleshoot.

  1. Check if steamvr is running.
  2. Check if the rebocap receiver is plugged in and in a connected state.
  3. Check if the rebocap plugin in steamvr is blocked. Also, you can check if the rebocap plugin is installed here.

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  4. If the steamvr plugin is not installed in the third step, please manually copy and install it by following these steps:

  5. Locate the steamvr installation directory, the default installation location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR, and the plugin is located in the driver directory under the steamvr directory.

    If you have changed the steamvr installation location, please find it yourself.

  6. Copy rebocap_driver to the steamvr plugin directory. The rebocap_driver directory is in the data directory of the rebocap installation directory. As shown in the left image, the final decompressed path is shown in the right image.
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Other Notes

[info] Attention users with non-English system names!!!

If your system uses a non-English name, it may cause the coordinate transformation in steamvr to be unobtainable, resulting in incorrect final positions, with characters floating in the air or falling into the floor in steamvr. At this time, the system often prompts the following at startup: rebocap steamvr plugin exception, unable to find the spatial coordinate system. At this time, steamvr can only be recognized if installed in one of the following two directories:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR


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