Sensor Overview

As shown in the figure below, green indicates that the sensor is connected at the corresponding joint, while gray indicates that it is not connected. The left side of the figure corresponds to the left side of the human body. For example, in the figure below, the sensor on the left foot is not connected, and the sensor on the right lower leg is also not connected.

Figure: img.png

Sensor Replacement Function

Here you can reorganize the sensors by dragging the sensor points.

[warning] After replacement, if it is not lit, it will cause calibration failure

Many users accidentally drag, for example, dragging the left hand to the left upper leg, but if the left hand is not turned on during calibration, it will prompt calibration failure because the left upper leg is not turned on!!! After dragging, the replaced points will not be effective whether they are lit or not.

Points that can be replaced with other parts

  • Left hand (Node 13)
  • Right hand (Node 14)
  • Left forearm (Node 11)
  • Right forearm (Node 12)

    Parts that can be replaced


    Special Function

  • Replace with shoulder position

    If you want the shoulder position to be more flexible, you can replace it with the shoulder position, but it requires a high demand for straps, which needs to be resolved by yourself.

Replacement Example

As shown in the figure below, all four points of the left and right hands have been replaced with the following parts:

  • Left shoulder
  • Right shoulder
  • Left lower leg

    After replacing the left lower leg, it is not lit, so calibration failure will occur!!!

  • Right lower leg
Figure: img.png

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