Blender Plugin Download

Click the link below to download directly:

Blender Plugin Installation

Installation steps: Open Edit->Preference in sequence, select Add-ons in the pop-up panel, click Install on the right, select the downloaded, and then click Install Add-on to install. After the installation is complete, you need to check to activate it. Enter rebocap as shown in the figure, and then check the plugin to complete the installation.

pic_left pic_right

After the installation is successful, the corresponding plugin menu should appear on the right side, as shown in the figure.

> Note, if you don't see the menu, there is a small arrow pointing to the left, click it to see it.

[info]How to handle installation failure

If some users fail to install, please find the original installation location of the Blender plugin and directly extract to the blender installation directory. The default installation location of the plugin is C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\<version_number>\scripts\addons, where your_username is your username, and version_number is the version number of Blender you installed.

Blender installation location diagram
Figure: Blender installation location diagram

Skeleton Binding

Currently, VRM automatic skeleton binding is supported, but the 12 fixed points on the soles need to be manually selected (if the foot effect is not highly required, it can be ignored). Additionally, FBX automatic skeleton binding is not yet completed. When importing FBX models, pay attention to the size. Some FBX imports default to centimeters, requiring a 100-fold scale to adjust the unit to meters.


You must open the rebocap client and calibrate the motion before clicking connect, otherwise, you may need to restart blender to continue real-time motion capture.

The bound character skeleton drives the hip node. If the hip node is not the root bone, or if the hip node cannot be moved (some skeletons forcibly associate the hip and root, and the local displacement of the hip cannot be changed), then the character's buttocks may always remain in place.

Tips: To scale the fbx to meters, refer to the position in the figure below and change the scale to 0.01


Enable Developer Mode

Open Edit->Preference in sequence, select Interface on the left, and then check Developer Extras


Import Character

Taking the VRM format character as an example, the VRM plugin download address can be found here.

For FBX format characters, it is recommended to use the better fbx plugin for import.


Select Target Character in Plugin

After importing, open REBOCAP_CONNECTION, select Armature on the right side [if not selected, the Drive Type option will not appear], then in the REBOCAP_CONNECTION menu, select retarget, and choose this character as the Source. You can directly drag the Armature into the Source box.

pic_left pic_left

After selecting the Source, the following menu will appear:


Bone Binding

Each bone needs to be matched with the corresponding bone on the target character. [Only English parts are provided here, if unclear, please translate yourself]

Pelvis is the buttocks, Spine is the bone segment above the buttocks, Chest has two segments, some characters have only one segment of Chest, in which case bind to any one segment. If the target character has two Neck bones, choose the one closer to the Chest. All four bones of the Leg must be bound, Toe is optional.

For VRM format characters, you can directly click Auto Detect after importing, and it will automatically fill in. For other formats, users need to manually find the corresponding bone names and select them.


Get Sole Vertex ID

This step is a bit more troublesome and can be ignored if you are not overly concerned with the effect. The main purpose is to get the boundary of the sole so that the character walks along the boundary. However, if the shoes are too large, it may cause vertical shaking when switching feet.

  1. The first step is to open developer mode, which has already been mentioned at the beginning of the document.

  2. Switch to Object Mode, then deselect Bone, and click on the character's foot to select Mesh.

  3. Click to select the character, make sure the shoe part is selected, then switch to Edit Mode.

    pic_left pic_left
  1. Open Indices, which is different in Blender 3.6 and Blender 4.0

    pic_left pic_left
  2. Select the vertices and record the corresponding values.

    A total of 12 vertices need to be recorded: the left, middle, and right of the front foot of each foot, and the left, middle, and right of the heel. Note that this is the left and right of the character itself. When searching, you can make the character's back face you for easier identification.

    During the selection of points, since it is necessary to select the Mesh, the menu on the right side will not be visible during the selection. You need to record it yourself. The order is the left, middle, and right of the front foot, and the left, middle, and right of the heel.

    Here are some basic operations of Blender:

    shift + mouse wheel pressed down is to drag

    ctrl + mouse wheel pressed down is to zoom

    mouse wheel pressed down is to change the view

  3. After recording is complete, switch from Edit mode back to Object mode, select Armature, and then fill in the foot ID.


Example of obtaining and binding the vertex ID of the sole

For example, the three vertices of the left front foot of the character below are: 8863 8860 8862

pic_left pic_left pic_left

Skeleton Export

After all the key bones are bound, a save bone button will appear. Click export and choose a location to save.


Then import it into Rebocap, refer here

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