UE Plugin Download

Below are the download links. For UE source code development, you can compile it yourself. Currently, the plugin is only applicable to the UE5 version.

ue plugin source

ue 5.1 plugin prebuild

ue 5.2 plugin prebuild

ue 5.3 plugin prebuild

ue 5.4 plugin prebuild

ue 5.5 plugin prebuild

UE Usage Instructions

  1. Create a new project in UE

    Both Blueprint and C++ projects are acceptable. If you need to further develop the plugin, you need to create a C++ project, import the character (the default pose of the character must be T-Pose, not A-Pose, otherwise the arm performance will be abnormal), then open the project folder, create a new folder Plugins folder, and then place rebocap_unreal_engine_plugin into Plugins. For example, if you create a testV3 project, the overall directory structure is as follows:

  2. Reopen UE and it will automatically compile [the source code is released, so it should be compatible with all versions]

    When further developing and debugging the plugin, you can use Rider to directly open [name].uproject for development and easy debugging.

    You can use Rider to compile and check for compilation errors. If you use UE to automatically compile and errors occur, please check Saved/Logs/[name].Log. The Log output by UE generally has Chinese encoding issues, and you may need to adjust the system encoding to UTF-8 to view it properly.

  3. Skeleton Binding Steps

    • Click on the character asset Skeleton Mesh, right-click to create a new animation blueprint, and double-click to edit the animation blueprint. [If unclear, it is recommended to watch the video]
    • Right-click to search for Rebocap, select Rebocap Body Pose and create a node, and connect the small person on the right side of the node to the Result of the output pose.
    • In the lower left corner of the blueprint editing page, click the plus sign to create a new variable. The variable type needs to be searched, search for Rebocap, select RebocapMapData, class reference, then drag the variable into the node RetargetAsset just created in the blueprint, and a variable node will be automatically generated. Then click the compile button in the upper left corner.
    • Click on the newly created variable node, then in the default value on the right, click the plus sign to create a new Map asset, which will automatically jump to a new page. On the new page, the user needs to fill in the skeleton mapping themselves. Note, it is recommended to fill in all 24 nodes, you can fill in according to the skeleton names of Avatar.

      Skeleton names can be automatically selected by clicking the first light blue skeleton person in the top bar of the blueprint page to view the corresponding points of each skeleton. The 24 nodes in Rebocap are standard human skeleton points, and the skeleton names in Rebocap are named after the starting point of the skeleton bone. For example, in VRM, the bone named LeftUpperLeg starts at the hip, so in Rebocap it is named L_Hip, the starting point of LeftFoot is the ankle, so the corresponding name is L_Ankle, and L_Foot in Rebocap corresponds to the toe area. In the UE naming system, it is generally called ball.

      L Collar the skeleton of the left shoulder

      L Shoulder the skeleton of the left upper arm

      L Elbow the skeleton of the left lower arm

      L Wrist the skeleton of the left hand palm

      L Hand the skeleton of the left middle finger [will not drive]

      If there are many skeletons, you can choose appropriate skeletons for mapping. For example, if there are 6 spines, you can choose three of them alternately.

    • Return to the previously opened blueprint page (the selected skeleton mapping needs to be saved and compiled to take effect), and set the value of the variable node to the newly created Map asset.
    • Compile again and check for Warnings. Generally, there should only be 3 Warnings. If there is an error in a skeleton map, a warning will indicate that a certain bone was not found.
    • Close the animation blueprint editing window, click on the top menu Window->Virtual Production->Live Link, then select Source->Rebocap Source->conn [port is the port number, if the broadcast port number in Rebocap is changed, it needs to be modified here]. If the Rebocap client is open, connect will be in the ok state; otherwise, it will be in the bad state. Additionally, the user will only start broadcasting data after motion calibration.
    pic_left pic_left
  4. Code Description

    The main motion control related code is in Source\rebocap\Private\rebocap_pose_node.cpp, while other peripheral related code includes dll calls and livelink. The Init_Foot_Vertices_And_SkeletalData function is used to obtain the default skeletal position and vert points of the character, calculating six points on the soles of both feet for ground contact [6 points for each foot]. Since this is automatically calculated, it may not be precise enough; users can find the six points on the soles of their feet and pass them in for potentially greater accuracy.

    PS: Larger foot sizes may cause the character to bounce up and down. For an extreme example, if a character has 2-meter-long feet but is only 2 meters tall, when they tiptoe and land, if they need to keep their toes touching the ground, the character will definitely bob up and down.

  5. Packaging Instructions

    • Developers

      For developers who need to package, you can download the latest version of the plugin (previous versions cannot run after packaging). The runtime mode has added Livelink connection management. You can refer to the ConnectLiveLink and DisconnectLiveLink methods in the Plugins/rebocap_unreal_engine_plugin/Source/rebocap_runtime/Private/RebocapLivelinkManagerDemoWidget.cpp file for implementation. If you need to disable the plugin's built-in UI, you can modify Plugins/rebocap_unreal_engine_plugin/Source/rebocap_runtime/rebocap_runtime.Build.cs, comment out the macro definition USE_REBOCAP_LIVELINK_MANAGER_DEMO, and compile it yourself. Developers who place the plugin in their own projects are advised to add UI management for livelink connections themselves.

    • Blueprint Users

      Blueprint nodes have been added for managing Livelink, with node names: Connect to Rebocap Livelink Source, Disconnect to Rebocap Livelink Source pic_left


  1. If you are using the livelink connection in the Editor, it may cause the livelink channel to be occupied, resulting in a failure to connect successfully in game mode. It is recommended to restart the Editor and try again.
  2. For runtime mode (i.e., standalone or game mode, which is running after packaging), since a method to obtain mesh vertices in runtime mode has not yet been found, the automatic skeletal registration does not include the soles after packaging, and the performance of the soles will be slightly worse than in Editor mode. This issue will be addressed in the future.

Video Operation Demonstration

There is no sound here, as a temporary use, more will be added later.

Meta Human Modified to Tpose

Below is a video tutorial and the corresponding T-pose conversion file package. Please follow the video instructions. The conversion file is currently only applicable to UE5.3, and other versions will be added later.


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