Hardware Configuration

Hardware Configuration Panel
Figure: Hardware Configuration Panel

1. Firmware Update

  • Current Version: The version number of the first lit tracker. If the versions are inconsistent, the log will display different tracker version information during calibration. If you purchased before December 2023 and have not updated the firmware, the version number here will be chaotic.
  • Available Version: Pull the available version number from the server to prevent issues with specific versions after release, allowing users to roll back. Currently, preview only has version v4. Clicking the refresh icon on the right will pull again.
  • Update Firmware

    Update the firmware to the selected version, ensuring that the tracker has sufficient battery and all connections are successful, with 100% signal in the bottom left corner (signal quality may fluctuate during the update process, which is a normal phenomenon). Below is the update progress display, and after the update is complete, all lights will turn white. If an update error occurs or the RGB lights do not turn white after the update, you can update again. After updating, the tracker needs to be restarted to take effect, which can be done by pressing the tracker's button or turning it off and on again.

    [info] Firmware updates can be repeated, but it is not recommended to continue updating if the update is successful.

2. Tracker Calibration

Gyroscope Calibration

Gyroscope calibration is relatively simple. After lighting up the tracker, place it stationary on the ground to calibrate. Note that it must be absolutely still, with no vibrations, such as staying away from desktop computer cases (vibrations caused by fans in the case).

[info] Generally, gyroscopes do not need repeated calibration. If there is a significant temperature difference, calibration may be required. It is also recommended to calibrate when using 6-axis.

Magnetic Field Calibration

Magnetic field calibration is relatively cumbersome and time-consuming. However, understanding magnetic field calibration is essential!!!!!!

[info] Why Magnetic Field Calibration is Needed

Battery life will degrade with use, causing changes in the internal elements of the battery. During charging, a very small number of components may carry trace amounts of iron elements, which can cause magnetization. Therefore, the magnetic field of the PCB circuit board itself may change. Magnetic field calibration is mainly used to eliminate the magnetic field carried by the sensor itself, which is referred to as magnetic deviation in the document.

[info] How to Determine if There is Magnetic Deviation (i.e., When Magnetic Field Calibration is Needed)

You can flip the sensor on six faces at a fixed point in space and observe the magnitude of the sensor's magnetic field value. If the difference is within 2uT, the magnetic deviation is generally small, or relative magnetic field difference within 0.1.

The chosen point for flipping must be far from all magnetic field sources, such as magnetic wristbands, mobile phones, computers, headphones, earphones, magnetic metals, etc.

How to Calibrate the Magnetic Field:

  • Place the tracker in the charging box, with intervals and the charging contacts facing up. The charging contacts refer to the three yellow metal points on the tracker (i.e., the placement direction is opposite to the direction of charging).

    A maximum of 8 can be placed at a time. They must be placed with intervals and the charging contacts facing up, otherwise, the magnetic field carried by the box will be calibrated into the tracker!!!

  • Do not place the box on the table during calibration. It is recommended to calibrate at a fixed point in the air, i.e., rotate the charging box around a fixed point in space as much as possible.

    Note that even wooden tables often have iron screws or nails.

  • There are a total of 6 faces. After clicking magnetic field calibration, be sure to rotate the box following the text instructions, rotating as evenly as possible. The total time for each face is about 6 seconds, with about 1 second for switching faces. Be sure to complete it within the specified time, otherwise, it will affect the calibration effect.

    In extreme cases, if only 3 faces are rotated within the specified time, the overall effect will get worse after calibration. You can refer to the above method on how to determine if there is magnetic deviation to check the calibration result.

Below is the calibration video, which can be viewed in advance. The rotation does not distinguish between clockwise or counterclockwise.

3. Receiver Frequency Reset

This function is rarely needed. In very rare cases, for example, if both the tracker and receiver can light up normally but cannot connect, you can try resetting the tracker frequency and receiver frequency. After both are reset, see if they can communicate normally.

If only the receiver cannot connect, please check here

4. Update Tracker RGB Color

Update the RGB color on the tracker. If you want different trackers to have different colors, you can turn them on one by one and update. The icon on the left is a color example, but due to the difference between the RGB screen color and the actual light color, the final RGB light color shall prevail.

[warning] Power Consumption Reminder

The higher the value in RGB, the brighter the light, and the faster the power consumption. The more lights, the faster the power consumption!!! For example, the brightest white light consumes power the fastest and has the shortest battery life.

5. Update Tracker Magnetic Resistance and Signal Transmission Power

  • It is generally recommended to set the magnetic resistance to 12 and not change it (value range is 1~12). Other values may cause severe tracker jitter.
  • The adjustable range for transmission power is 1~18, where 18 corresponds to 9.1dbm and 1 corresponds to -8dbm. At 18, the transmission power is greater. Generally, setting it to 1 will affect the communication distance, but the corresponding battery life can be extended by 1~2 hours.

System Configuration Panel

System Configuration Panel
Figure: System Configuration Panel

1. Data Recording Diagnostics

Used to provide the rebocap developers with the original encrypted motion data, facilitating developers to diagnose issues and improve motion capture quality based on the recorded actions. By default, the system will automatically start recording data after motion calibration, but it will not save it. Users can click to start recording, then click again to stop recording, and the data will be automatically saved to the <rebocap_install_dir>/data/record_data/ directory.

2. System Language Selection

Select the language. The system will automatically choose the local language. If not supported, it will default to English.

Note: Currently, other languages are automatically translated from Chinese. If there are any issues, you can provide feedback for improvement in the forum.

3. Theme Colors

The current version supports black and white themes. The white theme is not yet fully developed and will be improved in future updates.

4. System Shortcuts

Allows users to bind shortcuts. Currently, only VR operations are supported, with recording functionality to be added in the future.

After clicking, you can bind a shortcut by pressing the keys on the keyboard. Note that it must start with one of the following four function keys: win, ctrl, shift, alt, and can support up to two function key combinations, followed by a regular character such as a~z.

5. WebSocket Broadcast

All SDKs, plugins, etc., use the rebocap WebSocket broadcast. If you wish to change the port number, you can close the broadcast, modify it, and then reopen it.

[danger]Port Occupied

If the default port 7690 is occupied, the port here will automatically increment by 1. If you find that the plugin cannot connect, check if the port number has changed here!!!

6. 3D Rendering Switch

Used to enable or disable the 3D preview window. Disabling it can save performance but makes motion capture debugging inconvenient.

7. Use System Title Bar Switch

Using the system title bar may result in an inconsistent overall style, but performance will generally be slightly better.

8. Software Update

Function reserved, hot update feature not yet completed.

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