3D Preview Functionality

  • Display real-time motion capture preview


    • Left mouse button to move the view
    • Middle mouse button to drag the camera position, which means dragging the view
    • Mouse wheel moves the camera position forward and backward in the current direction, which can be used to adjust the size of the character in the view
  • Display Tracker

    The area marked as 1 in the 3d_preview image below is used to display the tracker. When the tracker is selected, the direction of the tracker can be displayed in real-time here. Clicking the box button will close the real-time tracker preview.

How to Close 3D to Save Performance

  • Click the button in area 2 of the 3d_preview image below to pause rendering. Pausing rendering can save resources.
  • To completely close 3D rendering: You can directly disable 3D rendering on the configuration page, which will take effect after restarting. This can save memory and significantly save CPU and GPU resources.

    View Details
    shutdown 3d render
    Figure: shutdown 3d render
3d preview
Figure: 3d preview

Log Functionality

Used to check for warning messages, etc.

How to Open

3d preview
Figure: 3d preview

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